Eksklusif Interview Bersama Hong Jong-Hyun ( Top Gear Korea S7 )

Rancangan pemotoran terkenal iaitu Top Gear Korea kini kembali untuk musim ke 7. Ia bakal bersiaran mulai 25 Oktober 2016 jam 9 malam di KIX HD (Saluran 729). Ikuti temubual eksklusif Selebriti Online bersama Hong Jong-Hyun.

  1. Could you tell us a bit about Top Gear Korea S7?

Top Gear Korea is my most favourite automobile TV program among the others and I am grateful to the producers who offered me the opportunity to take part in this program.

  1. Why must we watch Top Gear Korea S7? What is interesting in Top Gear Korea S7 compared to the previous seasons? How do you work with the other co-hosts?

There are always reckless but interesting challenges throughout the program, and I think it’s good to have 4 MCs in total, which is something interesting. Our personalities and strengths are all different and the synergy among us works well.


  1. What is biggest challenge for you on Top Gear Korea S7 and why?

I like automobiles and so I am happy that I can do what I enjoy in the program. I always talk while driving and I felt a bit strange about it in the beginning. But once I started, I got used to it.


  1. What is the most unforgettable experience in Top Gear Korea S7 and why?

I began to like automobiles because of drifting. My most unforgettable moment throughout the program was when I met the champion in drifting in Gunma Prefecture in Japan. The driver’s seat is on the right in Japan and so it’s a bit difficult for me in the beginning. I learnt and enjoyed a lot during the shooting.

  1. Which car would you choose in this season and why?

Design, interior, color, sound are all the factors that have to be considered when choosing a car. I like cars which are fun to drive. Everyone has a different standard on what makes their dream car. I don’t particularly fancy a “super car” but rather a car that is fun to drive. The most important thing for me is the balance between the performance of the automobile and the driving experience.

  1. Who are the celebrity guests that you like best in this season and why?

I would say (singer) John Park. I heard that he drives only once or twice a year but he had an outstanding lap time. He really surprised me.



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