Lim Wen Suen, Winner of The Voice Singapore & Malaysia, joins Universal Music Group

Lim Wen Suen, champion of The Voice Singapore & Malaysia 2017, has officially joined Universal Music Group. In conjunction with the signing, Wen Suen has released her highly anticipated brand new single, The World Will Remember My Name《這世界終會記得我的名字》on available on all digital music platforms on 24 August 2018.

Following the inaugural season of The Voice Singapore & Malaysia last year, Wen Suen and the rest of the top 8 finalists recorded a compilation album. Appreciative of all the support they’ve gotten throughout the competition, the top 8 finalists did an extensive promotional tour in Malaysia. Since then, Wen Suen’s been focusing on producing this new single. She hopes to share a different and lesser known side of herself as compared to what her fans already know her for.

Lim Wen Suen

Widely known for her powerhouse vocals, The World Will Remember My Name is a mixture of pop and traditional folk genre. The song is written and produced by renowned Malaysian producer, Guan Qiyuan (管启源). During recording, Guan guided and challenged Wen Suen to deviate from her usual singing style in order to present herself in her rawest form. With that in mind, Wen Suen managed to finish recording her vocals in just an hour.

Wen Suen joked, “Guan wanted me to steer away from the singing techniques that I’m used to, and suddenly I felt like I didn’t know how to sing at all.”

While it is not Wen Suen’s first time collaborating with Guan, it is through the production of this single that Wen Suen made a lasting impression on him. Despite being known for her vocal prowess, Guan intentionally made Wen Suen sing in low notes for the song. Wen Suen’s real challenge was to hit the low notes at the start of the song. Instead of letting Wen Suen do her vocal warmups before recording, Guan specifically reminded her not to warm up her vocals so that she would not start the song on a perfect high note.

After emerging as the champion of The Voice, Wen Suen’s popularity soared. She has since received many performing opportunities too. While there is some pressure on her for this single following her win, Wen Suen is still thankful for all the support she has been receiving.  and will strive to work towards creating more great music for all to enjoy.

With a major record slated to be released in Q4 of 2018 and coupled with a strong vocal prowess that belies her petite stature, this is one name that you will remember – Lim Wen Suen.

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