International Celebrity Pageant Group Sdn Bhd, the main organizer of Miss & Mister Celebrity International 2023 has announced that the pageant will be held on 1st May 2023, will be hosted at HGH Convention Centre, Sentul from 5PM.
‘We are very glad to announce that this is the very first time Miss & Mister Celebrity International Pageant held internationally and would like to take this opportunity to say a million thanks for the overwhelming responds and support. Let’s begin this meaningful pageantry journey and become more than just a beauty Kings and Queens in the eyes of the nation.’ said Lennard Tan, the Director of International Celebrity Pageant Group Sdn Bhd.

A young enthusiastic lad in his early 30’s, would love to aim and create a platform of endless boundaries to inspire people from all around the world. A platform without judgement and prejudice, embracing all walks of life regardless of its culture nor background, skin tone nor the body sizes even matters. The team that holds believe that the definition of beauty is not in the face itself but it instead it is the light in the hearts of a beholder and it grows within oneself.
In line with International Celebrity Pageant Group Sdn Bhd, to incubate and to build a community that empower all walks of life and to be able to raise by lifting others up we hold strong believes in supporting various causes.

Such as ‘Zero Hate – Equality & Opportunity’. Say NO to any forms of hates, a platform that provides and believes that every living souls should be provided with equality and to be treated as fairly as possible. Neither any individuals should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, nationality, race, skin tone, family upbringing, gender nor what they believe even if they have any disabilities or terminal illness. Being the voice and offering genuine support physically, mentally and chances of the unfortunates or communities that is neglected in our world and making them heard.
Also supporting ‘Zero Waste’ as the aggressive climate changes and endangered animals. It is time to educate people widely in building a waste free and sustainable future to the world and our grandchildren. As reducing, recycling and reusing might sound like a hassle to start of but thus habit will gradually grow and changes if we took baby steps daily and have this causes highly educated within the young at schools itself. We strongly believe that this movement are able not only to protect the environment, but also benefits the communities in the long run and also supports the local economy indirectly. Thus we are here, to be part of the role models in educating and borrowing a helping hand in making the world a better place and well preserved for the future generations to enjoy the beauty of it.
‘It is a prestigious opportunity to be able to host Miss & Mister Celebrity International Pageant in my home country and positively showcasing the beauty of Malaysia to the global viewing audiences from 26 countries participating. said Lennard. The journey will not be only focusing on the competition, but also exposing the contestant to multiple trainings also having some leisure moments visiting Malaysia famous landmarks and Kuala Lumpur hotspots in the time frame of 46 contestant be in Malaysia.
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