Acer Malaysia Brings Up and Coming South Korean Idol Group, B1A4 to Malaysia



Acer Malaysia is bringing up and coming South Korean Idol Group, B1A4 to Malaysia in January 2015 and fans who purchase the VVIP fan meeting ticket will receive a FREE unit of Acer Liquid Jade smartphone together with many more goodies.

The popular idol group have established themselves in Japan and recently concluded a very successful B1A4 2014 Roadtrip World Tour. They are heading to Malaysia early next year for a special fan meeting session to get up close and personal with their fans here.

With every purchase of the VVIP ticket to B1A4’s fan meeting ticket worth RM799, fans will be entitled to a free unit of the newly launched Acer Liquid Jade smartphone, an ultra-slim smartphone with beautiful and elegant design. Apart from this, fans will be entitled to a group photo opportunity with the artists, a high five session and stand a chance to win a “Good Night Call” from B1A4.

The VVIP tickets to B1A4 fan meeting are limited and exclusively with Acer Malaysia. The tickets can be purchased online at http:/ or order via starting from 7 December 2014.

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