Contest : Meet And Greet With Jason Derulo at MTV World Stage Malaysia 2015

Anda ingin berjumpa dengan Jason Derulo secara live di MTV World Stage Malaysia 2015? Kami ada caranya. Dengan hanya memberi komen dibawah anda mungkin menjadi diantara dua orang pemenang yang bakal berjumpa Jason Derulo secara live.

Cara-cara menyertai contest ini :

  1. Sila like facebook SELEBRITIONLINE
  2. ‘Tell us why you want to meet Jason Derulo?”
  3. Sila tinggalkan nama,number telefon,email address dan umur.

Contest ini berlangsung mulai 2.00 petang (waktu Malaysia) 6/9/2015 sehingga 5.00 petang (waktu Malaysia) 7/9/2015. Pemenang akan dihubungi menerusi email dan telefon pada 8/9/2015.Keputusan adalah muktamad.


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  1. I want to meet Jason Derulo, it’s a once in lifetime chance, why wouldn’t I?

  2. I wanna meet Jason Derulo because it’s too hard to sleep
    and I got the sheets on the floor, nothing on me and I can’t take it no more, it’s a hundred degrees so that’s why i wanna meet Jason Derulo hahaha.
    Muhammad Solihin Roslan , 0196616630 , ,16 years old.

  3. I am not wanting but dying to meet Jason Derulo. Oh my word, I can’t put in to words but I fell in love with him since I first heard his single on the radio, “whatcha say.” Subsequently, more singles were released, I was amazed by his dancemoves, swag, lyrics, beat of the song and the list is endless. I was even intrigued by him knowing that he wrote songs for Cassie, Diddy and Danity Kane. Please pick me to meet Jason Derulo and I will be the most thankful person on planet Earth

  4. I want to meet Jason Derulo because I want to take him to the other side and talk dirty to him because he’s in my head.. So whatchu say?? ?

    Name: Dafne Miranda
    Age : 27
    Address : 46 usj2/5L
    47600 Subang Jaya
    Hand phone: 0192330119
    IC: 880105-56-5648

  5. I want to meet Jason Derulo because I love to hear his different type of song

    Name : Elaine Fan
    Tel No : n012-3661302
    Email add :
    Age : 34

  6. Nur zulfah binti zulkafli

    Jason Derulo is one of my favourite singer. I love his soothing voice and the way he delivered the songs. (Nur zulfah binti zulkafli, 01123108300, 20)

  7. I am dying to see ma man Jason Derulo yall can’t even imagine how excited i am! Words cannot express how happy i am when i heard that he is gonna performing on this year #worldstagemy ! He is all over MY HEAD and like my biggest inspiration in my life right now. I am willing to trade my soul just to see him live INFRONT of me, let alone winning a MEET & GREET PASSES! I really want to win for buddies because we haven’t seen each other for 2 years now and this is the perfect time to be bonded. Music heals our soul. Time heals. We want to be carried into serenity when we hear their music. Wouldn’t meeting him live would be the greatest present ever for our reunion? Please I wanna hear him sang Talk Dirty To Me and Wiggle all the stress away this Saturday. So WhatyaSay SELEBRITI ONLINE?

    Name : Nor Nazren Bin Iskandar
    Tel : 0174225619
    Email :
    Age : 26 years old

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