Melbourne’s food and wine, café culture, fashion, design, arts and major events were showcased today at a tourism event hosted by the Minister for Tourism and Major Events Louise Asher in Kuala Lumpur as part of the Victorian Government’s Super Trade Mission to South East Asia.This mission is Australia’s largest to the region, with more than 445 delegates representing 315 Victorian companies.

The Minister for Tourism and Major Events, accompanied by 30 Victorian tourism industry representatives, hosted guests to a ‘Melbourne Style’ event. The event featured acclaimed chef Adam D’Sylva of Coda and Tonka restaurants, with Melbourne’s fashion and design credentials also on display with a fashion parade curated by stylist Emily Ward accompanied by unique hats created by milliner Kim Fletcher.

“Malaysia is an important and growing source of tourists to Victoria. Melbourne’s strong calendar of events, stylish city experiences and the ease of access to nature-based attractions on the city’s doorstep appeal to the increasingly discerning Malaysian traveller” Ms Asher said.Malaysia is Victoria’s fifth largest tourism market and generated 94,000 visitors for year ending March 2013, registering an increase of 8 per cent. Malaysian visitor nights spent in Victoria totalled 2.3million and corresponded to a growth of 14 per cent for the same period for year ending March 2013”.

The Super Trade Mission builds on the strong links that exist between Malaysia and Victoria across a number of industry sectors including trade, migration, education and tourism.“The tourism sector program seeks to provide Victorian delegates with the platform to explore new commercial opportunities, gain market insights and meet local travel partners and media.”

Ms Asher said the Victorian tourism delegation included representatives from Melbourne and surrounding regions such as the Mornington Peninsula, Yarra Valley, Dandenong Ranges, Phillip Island, Great Ocean Road, the Victorian Goldfields and Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges.

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