Us The Duo Live In Kuala Lumpur

Universal Music Malaysia proudly presents the major label debut from Vine’s hit sensation – Us The Duo Live in Kuala Lumpur!

The lovely duo will be performing in Malaysia on 5 th July 2015 (Sunday) at Bentley Music Auditorium. This showcase will mark the duo’s first ever appearance in Malaysia!

Us The Dou Live In KL_zpsowwxotrq

Purchase their debut album No Matter Where You Are to get a pair of tickets to the showcase, and bring along the album to get it autographed by the duo after the show. The album is priced at RM 48.90 and will be available for purchase at participating retail outlets, which will be announced very soon. Online album purchase for the same price is also available from 17th June 2015 onwards through the following For more information, please call Universal Music Malaysia at +603 79587433.

4 years ago, two emerging solo artists from opposite sides of the country randomly collided, fell in love, and combined their talents to form Us The Duo. A few successful YouTube videos (23+ million views) later encouraged these 2 songwriters to write
their own music together, leading them to produce their first self-titled album, Us.

After their debut album release, Michael & Carissa Alvarado got married and have been traveling and playing music together ever since. These two have gained quick exposure in the last five months.

They also gain a substantial amount of prominence by recording 6-second covers (or #6SecondCovers) to their Vine account. View the vine video @ustheduo.

In 2014, they released their 2nd album, No Matter Where You Are, which peaked at #22 on the iTunes Pop Charts, and #19 on Billboard’s Heatseekers Chart. The first single from the album also titled “No Matter Where You Are” was featured twice in
the Fox Animated Feature “The Book Of Life” and is inspired by their real life romance.

The duo are also very active in the social media landscape with 3 million followers on Facebook, 477k followers on Instagram, 163k followers on Twitter & 59 million view on Youtube.

For More Information:

Phone: +603 79587433

Phone: +603 7727 3333 ext 112 / 113
Fax: +603 77263328



Jawab Soalan-Soalan Dibawah :

Soalan 1 :  Berikan nama penyanyi Us The Duo?

Soalan 2 : Apakah nama album pertama mereka?

Syarat-syarat penyertaan:

* “Like” Facebook SelebritiOnline terlebih dahulu..

* Sila email kepada beserta Nama, Alamat, Nick Facebook , No. IC dan No Tel.

* Sila letak tajuk email Contest “Us The Duo”.

Tarikh tutup penyertaan: 4 Julai 2015

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